Lice-X Liquid
This treatment applies to the following species:
- beef cattle
- dairy cattle
Directions For Use:
Can-Vet Lice-X Liquid is ready to use. No dilution is necessary. For control of biting lice and horn flies. Apply 15 mL (1/2 fl.oz) per 45 kg (100 lbs.) of bodyweight up to a maximum of 150 mL (5 fl.oz.) for any one animal. Pour along the back and down the face taking care to avoid the eyes, nose and mouth. Alternatively, Can-Vet Lice-X Liquid may be applied to the face with a cloth that is slightly moistened with the product. Repeat treatment as needed but not more than once every 2 weeks. For optimum control of lice, two treatments 14 days apart are recommended. Leave a one day interval between last application and slaughter.