Fast Draw – 7KG




FastDraw® Soft Bait, a revolutionary concept in rodenticide technology from Liphatech. FastDraw kills rodents starting 4-5 days after they have consumed a lethal dose of the active ingredient difethialone. FastDraw soft bait pouches provide users a premeasured quantity of bait, allowing them to determine the amount of bait needed to control the population within the range provided on the label.

         Product Details

  • FastDraw Soft Bait is formulated with grains and fats molded into a dough matrix. The texture presents a new food choice for rodents, allowing users to gain control of infestations.
  • Contains the second-generation active ingredient difethialone, formulated at 25 ppm.
  • Easy-to-secure 10g (0.35 oz.) bait pouches are beneficial in difficult baiting locations.